Pork Belly Bistek Recipe

Adding onto our Bistek dishes, namely our Chicken Bistek and Pork Chop Bistek recipes, we have decided to make our very own Pork Belly Bistek recipe! We know you guys loved our previous Bistek recipes and we thought why not give you an actual favorite Bistek dish of ours. That’s a lot of the word Bistek in there, we know! 

Pork Belly Bistek

Pork Belly Bistek is one of our favorite Bistek recipes to make because it’s just overall quick and easy to cook and of course, luscious to eat! Tender, moist, and juicy — that is how each bite of it is. On top of that sumptuous texture and mouthfeel, every bite of it is just undeniably oozing with flavor since we made sure that the marinade we have rubbed onto it and let it sit on has seeped into its meat fibers. 

Pork Belly Bistek

That is why it is just easy to call Pork Belly Bistek a favorite of ours! With its easy-to-bite-and-chew plus tasty characteristics, pairing it with steamed white rice is already a given too. There is no denying that a viand such as Pork Belly Bistek would go well with every Filipino’s favorite side since it balances and at the same time enhances the flavors even more. 

Pork Belly Bistek

We have also mentioned how Pork Belly Bistek is easy and quick to do since its ingredients are very much accessible as they are available in our local groceries and even markets. We made ours with pork belly, white onion, green onion, soy sauce, ground black pepper, salt, sugar, garlic powder, and water — these ingredients are easy to get your hands onto, if not they are already in your pantry, right? 

Aside from its ingredients being available and accessible, we said Pork Belly Bistek is a quick and easy meal to make because it did not take us extraneous effort and a lot of time to be able to serve this dish to our loved ones. Don’t get us wrong, of course, we put in effort and all the love we have as we were making it, but it was not a tedious task that had us wanting to just skip the meal and sleep instead. 

In fact, we are more excited to be at the dining table with our loved ones, ready to share our stories with them while we indulge in a serving or more of the Pork Belly Bistek we have made. If you are also up for this, then go on and follow our recipe on it below. 

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