Soop’s Tantanmen is surely a “soop” for the soul

Soop will probably have you hypnotized with their scrumptious handmade noodles. With an easy-to-love selection of delicious and hearty dishes, Soop will either have you full in no time or have you full, but wanting for more.

With their belief that the best ramen is made with only the freshest ingredients they could get their hands on, Soop made sure to not use MSG, not use anything instant from their broth to their noodles. As this is their practice, they are able to provide you with an umami-filled experience.

Soop’s Karaage (Php 149) is a lovely start for when you are easing your way into their yummies. This one is absolutely crunchy and tasty; and they even make it crunchier by air frying it right before serving it.

To make you more full, their Tantamen (Php 249) is the way for you to go. Rich, creamy broth simmered for hours on end, alongside tender pork cuts, and tamago? There is no other answer for you to say, but “Yes!”.

These two delicious dishes by Soop is such a perfect pairing, but if you are curious as to what else could you delight in with them, then feel free to check their Facebook and Instagram for more information. To order, fill out their Order Form and just drop it in their inbox.

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