407 Food Market allows you to cut prep time, but still have a good meal with your loved ones

407 Food Market is known for their ready-to-cook meals that are surely of top quality. From fish to pork and beef, 407 Food Market definitely has all of that covered. Many people could attest how 407 Food Market has cut their meal prep and cooking time hence they got more time to spend with their family and finish their other responsibilities. Indeed, 407 Food Market … Continue reading 407 Food Market allows you to cut prep time, but still have a good meal with your loved ones

The Rolling Pin: Giving your tastebuds delectable rolls of sweetness every time!

Do you feel like you have just been taking all the blows recently? Have you been just going with the flow or maybe watching everyday pass by right through your eyes? Have you been rolling with the punches lately? Well, dear friends, let me tell you a secret… you are not alone. These past few months really have been heavy, especially these past days, so … Continue reading The Rolling Pin: Giving your tastebuds delectable rolls of sweetness every time!

Bringing you Packed & Sealed Freshness: Laging Sariwa PH’s Homemade Gourmet Mussels is a delish in a jar!

Months have passed already. A lot of things have went down and a lot of things are yet to go down. Who would have thought we will be spending most of our 2020 inside our houses? It’s August already and everything seems to be going sideways aside from the fact that a lot of people are still getting by, especially in their kitchens. People have … Continue reading Bringing you Packed & Sealed Freshness: Laging Sariwa PH’s Homemade Gourmet Mussels is a delish in a jar!

Solaire Celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival with Special Homemade Mooncakes

Solaire Resort & Casino celebrates the autumn equinox and the fullness of the moon with an assortment of Homemade Mooncake offerings to please every palate. The traditional Baked Mooncakes come in a box of 2 and 4. Each set of four Baked Mooncakes will feature a unique music box packaging and has two variants: the regular box of 4, and a premium box of 4 … Continue reading Solaire Celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival with Special Homemade Mooncakes

Meanne’s Homemade Salsa – a great homemade find!

When you come across a Tortilla snack sitting on a grocery shelf you will most definitely go buy a Salsa or a dip to go along with it.  Oftentimes, it will the brand Tostitos, may it be their Salsa or their Cheese dip it’s a great choice for any tortilla chips. But last week, everything changed, when I received a delivery from Kusina Organika. I initially … Continue reading Meanne’s Homemade Salsa – a great homemade find!